Lessons Learned Portal
Lessons Learned Tracking Process

Staffing, Tracking and Archive Areas

The LL process takes place in the NLLP "Staffing Area". Bases on the status, the Observations and Lessons are stored in the:

  • Tracking Area: during the ​​staffing​ process.​
  • Archive Area: at the end of the process.

For more information, read the NLLP End User Manual (Chapter 4).


Submitting new Observation

The Staffing Process starts when a user submits an Observation in the NLLP.

All NLLP users are able to submit Observations. After filling in the content of the Observation, but before its submission, the Originator of an Observation can change the “Assigned Local NLLP Manager” (LNM) to a different HQ or entity.

Once the user concludes with the submission of an observation, the Automatic Mail Notification function notifies the Originator and Assigned LNM’s HQ about this new entry in the NLLP. The entry takes automatically the status of "Observation Submitted". At this stage the entry can only be seen and edited by Assigned LNM’s HQ and the Originator.

If there is no defined Assigned LNM’s HQ, then there will be an automatic notification that will go to NLLP Managers.

Verification of Observations

The Assigned LNM will verify the "Observation Submitted" to check if it meets the requirements to become an Observation. The Assigned LNM’s HQ (by default, the originator's parent HQ) can still be changed to a different HQ or entity, and the new HQ/entity’s LNM will be notified about this action.

After the “Observation Submitted” is verified, the LNM could either Approve or Reject it. If Validated, its status will be changed into "Observation". If the "Observation Submitted" doesn’t fulfil the requirements to become an Observation, then the Assigned LNM’s HQ can Reject it and consequently its status will be changed into "Observation Rejected" being automatically archived.

In both cases, the Automatic Mail Notification system notifies the Originator and the Assigned LNM.

A LNM can upload "Off-Line Observation Forms", which will automatically achieve the status "Observation".

Analysis of Observations

The assigned HQ's LNM should carry out/coordinate the necessary actions required for the Analysis Phase (lead or facilitate) of the “Observation”. Once Analysis is concluded, the Originating Authority (OA) who endorses the LI/PoBP - through the OA’s LNM that has the specific rights - updates the entry (including identified Tasking Authority), selects its Visibility and changes its status to:

  • Lesson Identified; or
  • Potential Best Practice.

If the Observation is assessed as not valid to be included in the LL process, the Originating Authority could reject it (providing justification for rejection), the status will be changed into “Observation Rejected” and the entry will be automatically archived.

The Originating Authority will select the visibility of the entry as following:

  • Internal, visible only to users from its own HQ;
  • External, visible to all NLLP users.

The Automatic Mail Notification system notifies the Originator, the Originating Authority and Tasking Authority (TA)’s LNM.

Tasking Authority’s Decision for LI/PoBP

A LNM can upload "Lesson Identified" and "Potential Best Practices" which should have been previously analysed in a report or by other means.

The TA shall decide (approve or note) on the recommendation and remedial action and provide with feedback to the OA and uploads the decision to the NLLP.

In case that the TA that was identified by the OA in the NLLP is not the appropriate one, the possibility to change that TA (TA’s LNM has the specific rights) to a different HQ or entity was implemented in the NLLP, and the new HQ/entity’s LNM will be notified about this action.

The TA’s LNM has the specific rights to update the entry and change its status accordingly into:

  • Lesson Identified Noted: Notation reflects the receipt of information on an issue. Notation requires no further action nor does it imply agreement. Implicit in this definition is that it is not possible to refuse Notation;
  • Potential Best Practice Noted: Notation reflects the receipt of information on an issue. Notation requires no further action nor does it imply agreement. Implicit in this definition is that it is not possible to refuse Notation;
  • Lesson Identified Approved: Approval constitutes final and formal agreement on matters which are within the authority’s remit without reference to other authority. Such agreement will normally result in approval for follow-on action or activity;
  • Potential Best Practice Approved: Approval constitutes final and formal agreement on matters which are within the authority’s remit without reference to other authority. Such agreement will normally result in approval for follow-on action or activity;
  • (Lesson Identified) Approved and Lesson Learned: To cater for situations when the implemented remedial actions for a LI are ahead of the technical steps required to be followed until the end of the LL process, TA’s LNM has been granted specific rights in the NLLP so that entry can be directly approved and turned into a Lesson Learned at the same time (Implementation Details are required to be recorded in the entry);
  • (Potential Best Practice) Approved and Best Practice: To cater for situations when a Potential Best Practice can be turned directly into a Best Practice, TA’s LNM has been granted specific rights in the NLLP so that entry can be directly approved and turn into a Best Practice at the same time (Implementation Details are required to be recorded in the entry).

In case of a LI/PoBP Noted, the Automatic Mail Notification system notifies the Originator, the Originating Authority, TA’s LNM and the NLLP Managers. At this point, the LI/PoBP Noted goes automatically to archive area and is also automatically uploaded as a PDF in the NLLP Library. If the NLLP Managers need to modify data in the PDF (on request), they should be able to do so in the Archive Area and generate a new PDF that will replace the automated PDF that was exported in the NLLP Library. If necessary, they upload the PDF also in the NLLP, on the NATO UNCLASSIFIED Network.

In case of a LI/PoBP Approved, the Automatic Mail Notification system notifies the Originator, the Originating Authority, TA’s LNM and AB’s LNM.

LI/PoBP for Remedial Action

Once LI/PoBP is approved, the Tasking Authority tasks one or more Action Bodies (AB) to implement the Remedial Action and the TA’s LNM changes the status of the entry into LI/PoBP for Remedial Action.

Action Bodies are responsible for developing an Action Plan and to report to the Tasking Authority.

With regard to the Action Plan and its execution, the AB’s LNM should define Milestones along the process to implement the Remedial Action(s), by providing Implementation Details, adding relevant links or attachments and indicating an Expected Implementation Conclusion date. When available, the Expected Implementation Conclusion date will trigger some periodic notifications to the TA’s LNM and AB’s LNM, before and after it.

The TA is responsible for the coordination, implementation and the tracking from a LI to a LL, updating the LI to a LL when remedial actions are implemented.

To cater for situations when for specific reason(s) the Remedial Action (RA) has not been implemented (entry content overtaken by later events and as such became obsolete, appropriate resources not available, new information available, the implementation of RA is not feasible, etc.) or due to other situations, the TA’s LNM specific rights were created for them to facilitate the staffing of these peculiar situations so they can change the entry status into “LI/PoBP Noted” (the procedure referring to this status applies accordingly). A comment in the entry (to describe what exactly led to this situation and decision) is recommended to be included for recording purposes.


When necessary, validation is done to ensure that the originally observed issue has been successfully corrected by the implemented remedial action. The TA is responsible for validation. Accordingly, the TA’s LNM has the specific rights to update the entry’s details and status within the NLLP.

Sharing LL/BP

Once the Remedial Action is completed, and when necessary validated, the TA’s LNM concludes the staffing process by updating the entry and changes the status to:

  • Lesson Learned; or
  • Best Practice.

The Automatic Mail Notification system notifies the Originator, the Originating Authority, TA’s LNM, AB’s LNM and the NLLP Managers. At this point, the LL/BP goes automatically to the archive area and is also automatically uploaded as a PDF in the NLLP Library. If the NLLP Managers need to modify data in the PDF (on request), they should be able to update it in the Archive Area and generate a new PDF that will replace the automated PDF that was exported in the NLLP Library. If necessary, they upload the PDF also in the NLLP, on the NATO UNCLASSIFIED Network.

Find below a detailed flowchart of the staffing process

