Lessons Learned Portal
User area

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

(Find all the information about the NLLP in the "NLLP User Manual", available in the Main Menu)

Q: I have a NLLP username​ and password in the unclassified Portal. Can I use them in the NSWAN​?
A: No. There is no connection between both platforms. You need another NLLP user for accessing the NSWAN.

Q: In the NSWAN, how can I know if I am an AIS Domain User? ​
A: AIS Domain is basically the NATO Command Structure HQs and few more (for example, the NATO School Oberammergau). The users from these HQs do not need to register or Sign in with username and password, because there is an automatic recognition​ of the Windows account. The rest of the users have to register and access with their username and password. 

NOTA BENE: the information you will find in the NSWAN NLLP does not change based on the type of access


Q: Is there the same information in the NSWAN and in the NU NLLP?
​ A: Absolutely not. Besides the classification constraints, the NSWAN NLLP is fed with the Staffing Area information (Observations and Lessons). Note that both Portals are not connected each other, and all the transfer process is made manually by the NLLP Managers

Q: Who can be a Local NLLP Manager?
A: The LNM is not a role, but a kind of "power user" in the NLLP. Therefore, the LLSO will decide who will have such privileges​ within his/her HQ, for example LLSO assistants, other LL officers, and even Branch/Division heads. The NLLP Managers will allocate the LNM permissions to the user, just with an email from one existing LNM.​

Q: Why are gmail, hotmail, etc accounts not accepted?
A: Although technically it is feasible, requesting an official email account is a trustworthy procedure to verify that the alleged​ user is a real member of a NATO nation/body.


Q: I want to request a new LL CoI. Where can I get a word document form?
A: Find the form here

Q: I'm a NLLP User but cannot access the LL COI. How can I get access to a specific LL COI site?
A: Every LL COI has its own administrators on behalf their sponsor organizations. Contact details are found in the page "​What is a NATO LL CoI?​" under "Connection​ Hub" in the Main Menu. Click on link "LL COI POC" to send email and request access or ask for information regarding COI.

Q: I have just submitted an Observation but I cannot find it in the Search results
A: Share Point search engine updates the database​ every minute. Therefore, new observations are not immediately shown, but if you wait one minute, it will be there (refresh cache with Ctrl+F5 if necessary​)​​


In cas​e you have any additional question or you consider that a Q/A should be included in this list, please send as an email to​​

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